

The proposals for change contained in this agenda represent a path toward a District that reflects our shared vision. Signing on does not obligate supporters to advocate for every proposal or prevent supporters from opposing specific provisions contained within any of the included proposals. The agenda is a living document that will be updated periodically, but the shared vision will not change. Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions.


Increase Oversight and Accountability of Police

Members of the Metropolitan Police Department, DC Housing Authority Police Department, and Special Police Officers operate ...
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Strictly Limit Police Vehicular Pursuits

Consistent with recommendations made by the D.C. Police Reform Commission, the Council must strictly limit vehicle ...
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Simplify Record Sealing and Expungement

Criminal records make it difficult for residents to access public services, secure housing, and find gainful ...
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Decriminalize Street Vending

Consistent with recommendations made by D.C.’s Police Reform Commission, Criminal Code Reform Commission, and Task Force ...
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Clean Hands

D.C. law requires applicants for virtually any permit or license to show that they do not ...
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Peace in our Schools

Create a curriculum for conflict resolution and traditional healing practices in DC Schools.
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Comprehensive Mentorship to Reduce Youth Violence

Create a comprehensive, universally accessible mentorship program targeted to reduce youth violence.
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Reparations Through Housing

Provide grants and subsidized mortgages with low-interest rates as reparations to native Washingtonians.
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Accountability for Child and Family Services

Require the Ombudsman for Children to notify parents of oversight hearings and help them testify to ...
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Alternative therapies for medicare recipients

Change Medicaid’s definition of therapists to include people who provide alternative therapies.
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Cash Assistance for Singles

Cash assistance is limited for singles, a group that includes many people experiencing homelessness individuals and ...
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Universal, Affordable and Cooperatively Owned Housing for All

Dramatically expand housing assistance programs, subsidies and cooperative ownership to achieve universal housing.
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Protect People, not the Police

Protect People, not the Police.
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Planning for Freedom

Incarcerated people should receive planning services at least a year before release. 
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Returning Citizens: Take back parole from the Federal government

Replace the US Parole Commission with a DC parole board.
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End Pretrial Detention

DC should pass laws that are narrowly tailored to address the causes of violence instead of ...
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Provide Full Body Camera Footage to Families of Individuals Killed by Police

DC should release BWC footage of all officers on the scene before, during, and after an ...
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Invest in Youth Civic Engagement

DC should positively reinforce young people’s civic engagement through investment instead of spending money on incarcerating ...
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Invest in a Community-Based Mental Health Response Team

DC should meaningfully invest in a community-based response team to focus on supporting those suffering mental ...
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Increase Affordable Housing for the District’s Returning Citizens

DC should use existing law to allow organizations to buy vacant buildings and transform them into ...
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Bring Incarcerated DC Residents Closer to Home

DC should keep residents who are incarcerated closer to home to make it easier to maintain ...
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Decriminalize Substance Use Disorders

DC should focus on and invest in recovery for people suffering from substance use disorders.
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Compensate People Who Are Detained But Never Convicted

DC should compensate people who are detained overnight but remain legally innocent for the harm of ...
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Increase Family Time for Children in Foster Care

DC should give families who are separated through foster care more than one supervised hour per ...
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Invest in a Community-Led Recovery Space in the District

DC should fund a short-term residential wellness home so residents can heal from trauma in a ...
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Suppress Racial Profiling

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) conducts more than 10,000 stops per month and disproportionately targets Black ...
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Decriminalize Status Offenses

Criminalizing youth behavior such as staying out late, missing school, and running away traps children in ...
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End Qualified Immunity

Qualified immunity blocks people whose rights have been violated from successfully suing the violating officer unless ...
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Limit Search Warrants

MPD officers have broad discretion to request and execute home search warrants on residents of the ...
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Limit Traffic Stops

Officers kill unarmed drivers and passengers at a rate of once a week in the United ...
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End Jump-Outs

Although the Metropolitan Police Department (“MPD”) routinely denies it, jump-outs (an aggressive form of stop-and-frisk) are ...
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Disarm, Train, and Restrict Special Police

Special Police Officers (SPOs) receive one week of training before they are given a handgun and ...
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The Council must pass legislation to immediately reduce the population in D.C.’s jails. The conditions of ...
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End Solitary Confinement

The D.C. Council must immediately ban solitary confinement. The United Nations’ Standard Minimum Rules for Prisoners ...
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Update the Criminal Code

Comprehensive reform of the District’s current substantive criminal statutes—the laws that establish the scope of criminal ...
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Require All Cases Against Children to Start in Juvenile Court

The last 25 years of improving brain science has taught us that the human brain does ...
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Require Children to Have Lawyers During Interrogation and End Consent Searches of Children

Consistent with recommendations by the D.C. Police Reform Commission and other jurisdictions, children must have an ...
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The District must begin the conversation about redress for compounding harms it has perpetrated against Black ...
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